An Unexpected Interruption

June 21, 2012

Hello everyone,

This is going to be a quick post and unfortunately it's bad news! My MacBook has gone on the blink and I've tried everything I can think of (and many hours on Google) to fix it. I think it's a hard drive problem, because I can't hear it spinning at all when usually I can. My MacBook is about 5 years old now and unfortunately it seems to have given up. I'm hoping that I won't have to buy a new laptop, but if it comes to it I'll have to!

Long story short, basically what this means is that I won't be able to blog for a while. I'm using my parents' laptop to write this, and all the images that I've been working on for posts are on my MacBook. I also use Photoshop to edit the images and as you would expect, my parents haven't got it installed on this computer! I always shoot in RAW format and I'm not sure that any free editing program has support for these files, or even if they did whether I could have the amount of control that I need.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to fix my MacBook in the next few days, but if I can't it might be an even longer wait. Hopefully, the next time I post it'll be a relevant one and everything will be sorted, but if not I'll keep you guys updated. See you in the next post...


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