Hello guys! I'm back after my Christmas break. Although I've only been gone for a week or so, it feels a lot longer. I know I'm not alone in being away from the blog a bit, but I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I did, it was a bit different for me this year as I spent it with Martin and his family - my first Christmas away from home. My mum cried when I left for Martin's, bless her! I have to say, it was nice to eat turkey on Christmas Day - my parents are vegetarians, so I'd not done the "traditional" dinner before! I'm back home now, and with plenty of posts to keep you occupied as we approach the New Year. Here's what I've been up to for the last few days...
My first Christmas drink this year was a bottle of Red Breast beer; the best gift came from Martin, I'm so pleased to have got my hands on the Sensational kit!; new fuzzy boot slippers from my folks; a bottle of Holy Cow Cranberry Milk Stout washed down the Christmas dinner very nicely; watched Doctor Who and didn't understand any of it; trying to decide between these two satchels (You'll have to wait and see which one I picked!); went to the York Designer Outlet yesterday and visited the new Ed's Easy Diner; the butterscotch malt milkshake was absolutely delicious; I had the pulled pork hotdog (Which I managed to tip onto my own lap) with bacon and cheese fries; found this limited edition MAC product in the outlet; I did a little bit of shopping (Haul coming soon); sampling some Hotel Chocolat chocolates; some vodka and Schloer, crisps and the best of Celebrations; watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Another present from Martin); playing Trivial Pursuit this afternoon!
On the blog front, whilst I was away I hit 50,000 pageviews - I'm staggered that I've managed to hit this number! Considering that this time last year I celebrated 10,000 pageviews, it's quite something for me to have achieved that in one year. Thank you very much to everyone who has looked at my blog, followed and left comments - it really does mean the world! I will be holding a giveaway once New Year is out of the way, so if you have any suggestions for prizes then shout them out and I'll see what I can do.
I will be blogging tomorrow, with what I got for Christmas - and then after New Year I will show you guys what made it into my yearly favourites and then what I've been buying in the sales! I can't wait to show you guys - I'm warning you now, the post is going to be HUGE!

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