Clinique Chubby Stick in Debenhams experience

June 19, 2012

Me and Martin went into town last Friday, and typically whenever it's a day off from work, the weather decides to turn foul and that's exactly what it did for us. To take cover I suggested ducking into Debenhams until the rain stopped. As soon as we walked (or rather hurtled) through the door I spotted the Clinique Chubby Stick stand and made a beeline for it! We'd only been there for a few seconds when a lady approached us asking if I wanted to give one a try. Normally I'd shy away from these sort of things for fear of being sucked into buying a product, but the answer was "Yes, why not" this time! She settled me into a chair (and Martin into another one whilst asking him if he'd like some too, ha!) and off we went.

First, she briefly explained what they were and asked me which colour I would like to try. I picked "Curvy Candy", a gorgeous cotton candy pink that didn't look too bold and frightening. She immediately suggested mixing it with "Super Strawberry", which I wasn't expecting but I like to think these ladies know best! After mixing the two shades using a clean cotton bud and tissue she applied it to my lips using a lip brush.

I mentioned that my lips were a bit dry, which the lady said was perfect as these were "the most moisturising lip balms you'll ever try!" and I agree to an extent - they were extremely moisturising. She asked me to "moisture" my lips together and the application was as simple as that. She handed me a mirror and said that it was a little bright, which it was but I was pleasantly surprised at the results!

She did ask me if I was interested in purchasing any - I have to admit that I was but they're sadly out of my price range. She talked about some offers that they were running, along with some other colours; which were bestsellers and which were newly released into the collection. Amongst these was a purple shade that caught my eye, which when swatched was not nearly as bright and pigmented as I was expecting - in fact it was very sheer even when drawn across the skin several times. This surprised me, because as you will see below the shades she applied to me were quite highly pigmented.

Apologies for the photo not being the best quality, but I wanted to show you guys and all I had on me was my phone! Admittedly the application wasn't the best but I was really pleased with the shades that she chose and I think they suit me. It lasted for about an hour before it started to fade which is no more nor less than you'd expect for a lip balm, which these are being marketed as.

Overall I was really impressed with the whole experience, which didn't last for more than 10 minutes but was enjoyable nonetheless. I wasn't pressurised into buying anything - which is a pet peeve of mine - and if money was no object, I would have happily purchased one of these. The quality was exactly what you would expect from Clinique and left my lips feeling soft and moisturised afterwards. If you are interested in purchasing one of these I would highly recommend going to try some for yourself, as pigmentation was varied and it's worth taking a little extra time to see the product on your lips before making an investment!

Clinique Chubby Sticks are sold in all good department stores for £16 each.


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  1. I love the chubby sticks - they are really hydrating. I can't wait to check out the new colours. Like the combo, you're wearing!! :)

    I'm having a giveaway, if you'd like to enter:

    1. I really like them too, just can't justify the price tag just yet! Thank you :)

      I'll take a look, thanks for letting me know! x

  2. Lovely colour on you and lots to choose from-I would deffinately go with the reds :)

    Tanesha x

    1. Thank you! There is, isn't there - I didn't realise there was so many! x

  3. Do you have all the shades? They are so lovely isn’t it?
    ~Pauline @Clinique Philippines
