Life getting you down? Here's five tips to help you get back on top

February 26, 2015

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Lately, I've been having a tough time with life at the moment, as I think all of us have from time to time. Sometimes that can be triggered by a major event that's happened in your life, or it can be for no discernible reason at all. Whatever the case, it can be difficult to think about trying to be happy and moving onwards and upwards when it feels like that life is knocking you for six. Here are five tips that can hopefully help you to get back on your feet - I know that I need to consider these from time to time!

Take time out
When you feel like that life is simply getting too much, try not to pile anything more than you have to onto your plate. Some things are inevitable, of course, such as work commitments and other day-to-day issues that we have to deal with. But if you have something that can keep for another day, or even not be done at all, then put that to the bottom of your priority list. I think that everyone needs a "rest day" every so often, where there is nothing to worry about. Whether that's turning off your phone for a few hours, running a bubble bath and lighting candles, or sitting in your pyjamas all day binge-watching Netflix, it can help to recharge your batteries so that you're ready to face life's challenges head-on the next day.

Appreciate your family and friends
Sometimes, it can take something quite drastic to make you realise how lucky you are to have the people that you do in your life. That happened to me recently, and it opened my eyes to how much the people around me do genuinely care. The people that don't... well, they can hop it! If you know that you haven't seen a good friend for a while, make an effort and check in with them to see how they are. You don't need to be clinging onto them for dear life - but if they are a true friend, they will be touched to know that you're thinking about them. Make time for your family too - they're the only one you'll ever have.

Don't give up at the first hurdle
Life has a wonderful habit of giving us many hurdles to trip over, and sometimes getting back up and carrying on is just too difficult. Whether that's getting a rejection letter for that job you desperately wanted, or having to pay to have your car fixed means that you can no longer do what you planned, it really drags us down. I often think that life is not meant to be easy sailing, and those who look like they are do a damn good job of hiding how much hard work it really is. Think about someone you look up to - would they be the person they are if it wasn't for some hard work behind the scenes? Probably not. Try to take each hurdle as it comes, and don't think of it as a step back or a failure - more a change in direction.

Plan something to look forward to
It is quite common for one to feel down when you feel like you have nothing to look forward to, except for yet another long week at work. It can seem to stretch on forever, can't it? Or perhaps you feel like you've been stuck in a rut for too long and that a change of scenery would help. The obvious suggestion here is to book a holiday, but not everyone can afford to go jetting off - I know I can't. How about booking a weekend away, or arranging to meet a friend for a good old catch up? Having something to look forward to, no matter how big or small, can help give you some purpose and cheer you up on a bad day.

Don't worry, I'm not telling you to become a gym bunny here. I've found in the past that any form of exercise really helps to lift my spirits - and I know that this is quite often the case for many people. This can be as simple as just walking - to work, up the stairs instead of taking the lift, trudging through the countryside or even window shopping! It's practically guaranteed that you will not only feel better, but you will have burned off a few calories too. Win-win. For the more hardcore of you out there, try stepping it up a notch in your gym routine, or perhaps join a class where you can meet other people too.

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  1. I love these tips! This week has been rubbish, so I'm happy to have to me time this weekend :) x

    Everything But The Kitchen Sink

    1. Sorry to hear that your week has been rubbish! "Me" time is the best time I think! x
