Oh No, Not Another Tag!

March 28, 2014

Last week, I was tagged by Kel from Adventures in Tea and Cake (Who is fabulous, so go check her out) to do this tag, created by Hayley from Tea Party Beauty (Also fabulous, check her out too whilst you're at it). I'm having a bit of a blogger's block at the moment - no doubt caused from me being away for a few days - so I figured that whilst I'm figuring out what to post next, you might as well see my answers to this tag!

You've made it BIG & bagged some VIP Fashion Week tickets. You lucky devil you. But in your rush to get there & get yourself noticed you forgot your VIP Passes. The guy on the door says he will cut you a deal, you can go in only if you sacrifice either your Front Row seat, backstage privileges or goody bag. What's it gonna be?

I think I would sacrifice the goody bag - as much as I love a goody bag, really I have too much stuff as it is and those things could probably be bought! Experiences like being backstage or being on the front row you can't really buy (Well, you can, but out of most people's price range I imagine), so that's an easy choice!

You're making a new Subscription box, what 4 items & which dreaded perfume sample would you include in it?

As much as beauty boxes try and cater for a wide range of people, I have to tell you what I wouldn't include - moisturiser! Everyone seems to have a stash of those, either for the face or body somewhere and the stash never seems to get any smaller. What I would include would be a good, petrolatum-free lip balm, a gentle exfoliating toner, an eyeshadow in a fairly neutral shade and a nail polish. As for the perfume sample, I would include the new Viktor & Rolf Bonbon!

What's your biggest blogging bug bear? The one thing guaranteed to make your blood boil & have you screaming/eye rolling at your laptop?

Bad punctuation and grammar really gets my goat... I know that mine isn't perfect, but lack of commas really drives me up the wall. There's nothing worse than trying to read a paragraph and realising that it is all once sentence! Also, small images makes my blood boil - there is no need for tiny images on your blog. Make them bigger or don't have them on at all!

No more joining in Twitter chats only slightly relevant to your blog. You can only join in one blogger chat a week for the rest of your blogging days, which one's it gonna be & why?

Well, the only blogger chat I join in with on Twitter is the #bbloggers one - I haven't ever participated in any of the others. So, I guess that I would stick with that one because it is the most relevant to my blog!

'Fess up, do you actually own any MAC? If so what don't you like about the product?

Yes, I do! I own one lipstick, in "Dark Side", and very recently I got hold of a couple of holiday sets, that included some brushes and eye products. However, I've not really used them yet, so to say something about "Dark Side", I would have to say that it can feel a bit drying. Apart from that, I really can't fault it at all!

The blogging Gods ban arm swatching, which body part will you swatch on now?

For my blog, I only ever use the back of my hand if I'm swatching something that doesn't need to be swatched in a specific place. For example, for lipsticks I always swatch them on the lips. I would probably use my cheek or something like that, if I need to use a "blank canvas" to swatch other products on!

You can no longer have Yankee Candles & Perfume Bottles in the background of your shots, what other inanimate object will you choose?

I never use either of those things in the background of my pictures - 99.9% of the time I use a plain background! So, I guess my answer would be nothing - I've never really understood the point of that idea, anyway. To me, it's a bit distracting!

Your blogs Instagram - is it for cats or meal shots?

Well, I have two dogs and not a cat, but to be honest the majority of the time I'm taking pictures of my food! Holly doesn't like my phone camera at all, and Zak is usually asleep on the sofa, so most of the time I don't take pictures of them.

That's it! I have five people to tag, so I'll tag Leanne, another Leanne, Laura, Kirsty and Wanischa!


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  1. Thanks for tagging me in this, Ellie! I loved reading your answers. Your beauty box sounds fab, i'd definitely subscribe! xx

    1. No problem :) I'm glad someone like that idea, haha! x

  2. Thanks for the tag, Loved reading your answers and have to say that mine will probably be quite similar on a few of them! x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

    1. No problem- I wouldn't be surprised lol! x
