Blogging break

March 29, 2014

Hi guys,

If you follow me on Twitter, you will already be aware of this, so sorry for repeating myself! For those of you that don't, I've been told that I'm spending four days away next week (From Tuesday to Friday) in Glasgow for work. This was - and still is to be honest - a last minute arrangement and has thrown me off-kilter a bit!

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm having a bit of a blogger's block at the moment. So, I thought that instead of forcing myself to post something that I'm not happy with, I will give myself a break and hopefully come back renewed and with some great content for you guys to read. With me being away in Bruges only last week, I expected to be fully back into the blogging swing of things by now, but life is full of surprises, isn't it?

I'm sure you guys won't miss me too much - if you notice me being gone at all! I am aiming to be blogging again next Sunday (6th), where I will no doubt be showing you my "Week in Instagram" as usual. After that, expect a few posts about my trip to Bruges!

Thank you for sticking with me guys and for supporting my blog, and I'll see you hopefully very soon. I hope that you are all having a great weekend and have a good week!


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