Week in Instagram #101

April 08, 2014

Mr. Zak and his funny face; just one of the many beers I brought back from Belgium; a lonely wait at the bus stop; foggy and miserable at a very early time in the morning; one of the views on the way to Glasgow; not an amazing view out of my hotel window; this is what those in Glasgow call "A little treat"; some Scottish beers I brought back for Martin; it was mine and Martin's seven year anniversary yesterday!

I'm now back from my travels up to Scotland, and I have to say that last week was a very busy one for me! I'm glad to be home and back to normality - it's been a strange few weeks. I'm back to blogging as of now (A couple of days late, but better late than never eh?), and a beauty post will be going up tomorrow. Thanks for sticking with me guys; it's good to be back!


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