Rimmel 60 Seconds in 830 Camouflage

December 13, 2013

Rimmel 60 Seconds 830 Camouflage review swatch photo

Another pound shop polish for you today, and it's a forgotten beauty. I was browsing through my collection, trying to find a colour that I wouldn't ordinarily go for and came across this. I was pretty sure that I hadn't worn it previously, so I settled down and started applying it. Let me tell you, when I say that the bottle is deceiving, I really mean it! What appeared to be a fairly usual shade of green turned out to be the brightest bottle green that I've ever come across. It's the perfect Christmas shade and I've had several people telling me so - it was completely unintentional!

Rimmel 60 Seconds 830 Camouflage review swatch photo

Being the shade that it is, it was such a sod to photograph accurately, and this was the best I could manage. It does come across as ever-so-slightly blue in the images but be assured that it is not. It is the purest shade of bottle green that I have ever come across and am likely to find on the high street. This is a shimmer polish that is almost frost in finish - for all it's intensity, it's not a deep shade. As you can see, it does show up nail ridges a fair bit, but mine are particularly bad nowadays and I didn't use a base coat here. I know, I know, naughty naughty but some days you just can't be bothered, right? That being said, no brush strokes are visible, or at least not from a comfortable distance.

Rimmel 60 Seconds 830 Camouflage review bottle photo

The brush for this polish is my favourite type; wide, curved and a delight to work with. This brush was so wide that I almost covered my nails in one stroke; quite impressive, seeing as I hadn't yet found one that could. This might make it a touch too wide for those of you with slim nails, but mine are not particularly wide (I don't think) and this brush made the application a lot quicker and easier. This line from Rimmel claims that this is a one-coat job, but sadly I didn't find that to be the case with this. It was fully opaque in two coats however, and with an accurate drying time of about a minute, the whole process was a doddle. This polish definitely benefited from a top coat; it was fairly glossy in finish but not quite enough for me. I will definitely be breaking this out again for the Christmas season and attempting to create some nail art!

I believe that this particular shade is discontinued, however you can find it on eBay for £3.65. Other shades from the line can be purchased from Superdrug for £3.69.


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