I was going to put my "Week in Instagram" post up today, but my nails desperately needed painting and what better day to do them than today? I've seen these Mini Egg inspired nails popping up all over the internet today, so I decided to do my own. Like everyone else, I have used my L'Oreal Confetti top coat, which I managed to buy a few weeks ago at the Boots in Harrogate. For the base colours, I have used Models Own "Ice Cream Sundae" set, which includes Lilac Dream, Jade Stone, Pastel Pink, Beth's Blue and Lemon Meringue. The L'Oreal top coat has been a firm favourite of beauty bloggers up and down the country, and it's definitely a firm favourite of mine too! The polish consists of black and white hexagonal pieces in three sizes, suspended in a very fine glitter/clear base. I didn't even notice the glitter until very close inspection - from a comfortable distance it's not even visible. I find it very easy to apply thanks to the wide brush; one stroke deposits a fairly even amount onto the nail, and minimal "blobbing" is needed. It dries surprisingly quickly and to quite a gritty finish. Applying a clear top coat does help this slightly.
I bought the Models Own set quite a long time ago now... I seem to remember buying them when Models Own had their half-price sale on. However, this is the first time that I have used the set. Being pastels they're obviously much more suited to a spring nail than winter! I applied two coats to each nail, except for Jade Stone which needed three. Lemon Meringue was the only one that gave me problems - it would not stop applying streaky, no matter how many times I tried! This isn't particularly noticeable under the confetti but would drive me mad to use on its own. Models Own brushes are fairly standard but easy to work with, and all the shades dried in a reasonable time and with a moderately glossy finish.
Overall I really like this look and it's a perfect look for spring (despite that fact there's still snow on the ground outside)! One last thing I would like to mention about the L'Oreal top coat, is removing it. I've read blogs that say it's near impossible to remove, others say it's not as bad as your regular glitter. I have to agree with the latter - it's never going to be as easy to remove as a standard nail polish but it is by no means difficult. I find that holding a nail polish remover-soaked pad onto the nail for a few seconds before scrubbing really helps to loosen the pieces. Because of this I have worn this top coat every time I have painted my nails - I've only got about half left! In short, if you manage to spot this whilst out and about, snap it up - you will not regret it!
The Models Own Ice Cream Sundae set is no longer available in the boxed form, but each shade can be purchased individually from their website for £5 each. The L'Oreal Confetti top coat is available from Boots and Superdrug for £4.99.

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