Top 5 Winter Nail Polishes

January 17, 2013

Like with almost every post I do, I did intend to have this up quite a lot earlier - before Christmas in fact! However, I didn't forget it this time, and decided to wait until after Christmas because let's be honest, winter doesn't stop at Christmas time. As I type, there is snow on the ground outside and it is below freezing temperatures, so this couldn't be more season appropriate! I did an Autumn version of this which you can view here, and I will be doing one for Spring and Summer too. Anyway, after a lot of rambling let me introduce you to my top five winter polishes!

Deborah Lippmann Razzle Dazzle - I'm sure I've mentioned this polish time and time again on this blog (It feels like I have anyway), but this is such a staple winter shade for me. A beautiful, deep raspberry shade packed with similarly toned glitter, it's difficult to imagine anyone not loving this. For me this does takes three coats to be opaque and it is a pain and a half to remove, but it lasts well and dries fast.

NYC Lights-Camera-Glitter - I had to include this, because it was my top favourite last winter and still is! This has small silver glitter with larger blue and lilac pieces, and layered over the top of a polish like Button Moon for example, it's like Jack Frost has nipped at your nails! This is definitely a polish for layering over another rather than using on it's own, but you can create so many combinations with this.

Models Own Emerald Black - This is a polish unlike any other polish I own, it is very special! In most lights and at first glance it appears to be black, but get it in the right light and it transforms, showing off a spectrum of blues and greens. This is such a gorgeous traditional shade that could add that bit of extra something to a winter outfit. This is part of the Beetlejuice collection from Models Own.

ORLY Ruby - No winter nail polish collection would be complete without a staple red, and this is my favourite for this year. Normally I tend to favour the brighter, pillar-box reds but this is a more subtle and mature shade that really shows your nails off. It's a deep ruby shade that dries to a matte finish, which I didn't think I'd like but I was pleasantly surprised! If you wouldn't like that, you could easily add a top coat.

Collection 2000 Hot Looks Button Moon - This was mentioned briefly above; to me this is the colour that springs to mind when I think of snow, frost and crisp cold air. I searched high and low for a duck-egg blue and I found it in this! I wasn't expecting the quality to be great as it was quite cheap, but nobody was more surprised than me to find that it layered up quite nicely and dries to a glossy finish.


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  1. These look lovely :) The Models Own one looks really special. I haven't tried any Models Own yet but I'm hoping to pick some up at Boots whilst they're one 2 for £8. Any recommendations?
    Also, your photos are absolutely stunning! I don't know how you do it but I need your light! x

    1. The Models Own one is very special indeed :) I would recommend any of the Beetlejuice collection or their glitters - all of Models Own polishes are really good quality :) And thank you - I'll be putting up a post on how I take my photos next week so keep an eye out for it :) x

  2. Emerald Black is beautiful x

  3. I love the Models Own one. It looks super nice and very unique.

    1. It is even more gorgeous in real life, definitely one of a kind :) x

  4. I think Razzle Dazzle is stunning! It's Summer where I live and I can't wait until Winter to wear some of these darker colours. The Emerald Black looks beautiful too, and I haven't seen a lot around like it.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Zoe xx

    1. It's definitely my top favourite for winter! The MO one is just stunning in real life x
