Review: Soap & Glory Hocus Focus

August 07, 2012

Another day, another Soap & Glory review! This little bottle was picked up as part of Boot's 3 for 2 offer (when is it not?!); to be honest, I was struggling over what else to buy as there was nothing I particularly needed. However I had heard of this before, and while swatching it in the shop it did scare me a little but after reading about how many ways it could be used... I couldn't leave it behind!

Describing itself as an "instant visual flaw-softening lotion", Soap & Glory claims that this diffuses the appearance of large pores, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation. Seeing as I'm not one for wrinkles just yet, I was hoping that it would help brighten up my dull complexion and even out my pigmentation. Upon opening the box, I was a little surprised to find a rather dated bottle in my hands... is it just me who thinks that? The pearlescent finish to the lid in particular really reminded me of something that my grandma would have on her dressing table. However, Soap & Glory are all about "the vintage feel" so it fits in well I suppose!

The application is where the fun begins, as this is a multi-use product - therefore saving you some pennies. Soap & Glory say that this can be used "alone as a cheekbone highlighter, mixed with moisturiser as a gorgeous skin brightener, or blend 2-3 pumps into your foundation (for a youthful, dewy, luminous look)". Now, I have to admit that I have only tried the latter, but I have to say that I think 2-3 pumps would be way too much! I use one pump to mix with my foundation on the back of my hand, and this is more than enough. Any more and I run the risk of looking sweaty rather than dewy - not a good look!

Applying this mixture of Hocus Focus and foundation to my face leaves it with a glowing, dewy appearance and any flaws are softened a great deal. The light-reflecting element does a great job of taking your focus off any imperfections and onto how amazing the skin looks! I did think that it would be a little over the top, but as long as it's used sparingly I see no reason why this would be the case - a little goes a long way here. I don't think I'll be using it with moisturiser in the future, but I can't wait to test it as a cheekbone highlighter and I can only imagine it performing just as well!

Hocus Focus can be found in Boots for £13.


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  1. I love mixing it into my foundation before I put it on, makes me all glowy and dewy!


    1. I've tried it the other way now and I have to admit that the foundation way is still my fave! x
