My favourite blogs

August 06, 2012

Run by the lovely Leanne, I have no idea how I found her blog but I'm sure glad I did! My favourite posts of hers are her "Week in Photos" (where I drool over all the amazing food she eats) and her OOTD posts. Along with these she writes about cooking, her upcoming wedding and make up reviews.

I love a blog with a witty name, and this one run by Liz made me chuckle! What I love about this blog are her outfits; she always looks effortlessly stylish and I long to look as lovely as she does! She writes about everything - from days out to hair styles, making this is a well rounded blog that I really enjoy reading.

Another blog with a witty name, I think I came across Dawnie's blog from looking for Soap & Glory reviews. She writes long posts, but instead of boring me to death they keep me interested all the way to the end! She has not only written about Soap & Glory, but has make up reviews, guides and events from her life for you to read.

This is a blog that I've only started following very recently, but it has become an instant favourite! Charlotte's blog had me hooked on her posts about the recent Olympics, make up and skin care from the start and she has a fun writing style that I really enjoy. She also has lovely photographs that really show off what she is writing about.

This is one of the first blogs I started following when I found myself in the blogging world, and for good reason. Khila writes honest reviews about everything - from hair to skincare, she's got it pretty much covered! I also really enjoy her OOTD posts, and is another blogger that always manages to look stylish whatever the occasion.

Gemma runs a blog that has me reading each and every post that she writes. Whether she is reviewing make up or talking about what she's bought recently, I'm always interested - even if I can't afford the high-end products she talks about! From shoes to jewellery and everything in between, there's something for everyone here.


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  1. this was such a lovely surprise! Thank you so much! I'm off to check out the other blogs now x

    1. Glad it was! :) I know I have barely any followers but I thought you girls deserved a mention x

  2. Eeeeh Thank you so much misses! Off to say hi on the other blogs here too!
