Best of the Dupes: OPI Rainbow Connection vs Technic Carnival

August 24, 2012

Right: Technic Carnival £1.95

Now I know that the above picture doesn't do this dupe post much justice, but any beauty blogger worth their salt knows about this one! Last Christmas OPI released "The Muppets" collection, which included Rainbow Connection. It was an instant hit and became a must-have for any nail junkie. Back in the day when I was just starting to get into painting my nails, I went into Bodycare and spotted this amazing Technic Carnival polish, which was just 99p. At the time I hadn't even heard about beauty blogging and therefore had no idea how coveted this polish was - if I had I would've bought dozens of them and sold them on for profit! Technic's version differs slightly from OPI's due it not being quite as jam-packed full of silver glitter, but I've seen that most bloggers who have both actually prefer this. OPI's Rainbow Connection was only ever intended to be a limited edition polish, and as such is not readily available on beauty websites anymore; the price you see above is the cheapest price I could find. The Technic Carnival polish however is still readily available; I have seen it fairly recently in Bodycare but it is much easier to find it online if you're desperate to get hold of it!

Final verdict: A hard to find, limited edition polish for nearly £15 or an easy to find dupe for under £2? There's no contest really, is there?


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