How I use my beauty boxes

May 12, 2012

Over the last few months I've been receiving beauty boxes. These boxes are all well and good but some are just too pretty to throw away! So I came up with a way to put them to good use... beauty storage!

My boyfriend has a label maker, so I got him to make labels for various products to stick on the lids of each box. These make it easy to find the products that I need and can always edit them when I need to. I've got them stacked in order of usage - the most used products at the top, less used ones at the bottom.

They're a perfect size for pretty much anything beauty wise - seeing as that was their original purpose! All of my eyeshadow palettes fit into one of my JolieBoxes with a little room to spare, and the GlossyBoxes just about fit in those stupidly long Eyeko eyeliners with the silver handles - which are easily the longest products I own!

I kept the red Christmas GlossyBox for all my rings, bracelets and earrings - it's a bit of a jumble sale but because the boxes aren't that big, it's still very easy to find what I need.

For the moment almost every beauty product I own - bar the daily essentials - fit inside these boxes, and the rate I acquire beauty boxes almost correlates to how many beauty products I acquire which suits me just fine!

Have you kept any of your old beauty boxes? If so, how do you use them?


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