Beauty blogging is no longer for me - so what now?

September 11, 2014

You may have noticed - or maybe you haven't - that I've been a bit sporadic with my blog posts over the last couple of months, maybe more. You may recall that not that long ago, I wrote a lengthy post about how I wanted things to change for my blog - focusing more on lifestyle posts and less on beauty. I feel like that a lot of people are doing this recently, and there's probably a few reasons as to why but that's down to speculation. In truth, for me? Beauty blogging no longer excites me. Yes, I still love going to Boots and spending an excessive amount of time at the cosmetics stands, and I still love wearing make up, but to sit down and blog about those products is not something that I enjoy anymore. I put so much pressure on myself to create the perfect image, or to write about new products as quickly as I can, that somewhere along the line I fell out of love with the whole idea. Also, truthfully, beauty blogging can become an expensive habit - I don't have the means to buy new beauty products every month, and I feel like I need to sometimes just to keep up with everyone else. I know that it's not the be-all-and-end-all, to write about new products, but it's definitely a contributing factor for me. I also struggle to find beauty favourites every month (You may have noticed that the last couple of months are missing from my usual monthly line-up) as I don't try enough new products to write about, I often don't have the time to paint my nails, my empty products drawer is getting out of hand, blah blah blah... the list goes on.

However, what I've really been enjoying writing about over the last few months is lifestyle posts. Events, restaurants I've eaten at, places I've visited - you name it, I could probably write about it. I said in my post in May that I would start writing more posts like that and that is exactly what I've done. The major difference that I've found with this type of blogging is that I feel the need to post less often - with beauty blogging, there is a pressure to post every day or at least several times a week if you want your blog to keep up. With the type of blogging that I'm currently doing, yes I'm averaging at around one post per week in most instances but I'm really putting everything I can into each post - which I wasn't doing when I was beauty blogging several times a week. I'm also much happier with the quality of my photos, and actual content of my posts too. "Quality over quantity" is something that I'm constantly reminding myself of, but it's a work in progress. I am going to try and up the content to twice a week, life permitting, as I have let things slip and I have seen my daily pageviews and followers dropping - but that is to be expected and I only have myself to blame. However, I am feeling much happier with my blog than I was back in May, and I hope that you guys are still enjoying the content - my average pageviews per blog post have actually gone up since I started writing about lifestyle, so I'm at least doing something right.

I talked about in my May post about how I wanted to rebrand my blog - possibly changing the name was an idea at the time. After much contemplation, and feedback from fellow bloggers and friends alike, I have decided that at least for now I am going to stick with my blog name - yes, it's a pain to pronounce, but it represents me and my blog and I don't think I can bear to let it go. However, my main focus is now changing the layout, and possibly moving it across to Wordpress. Whether I'll manage the latter is anyone's guess, but the layout on here really needs sorting. It's outdated and doesn't feel like mine anymore - this is something I can change. I will have to ask you to bear with me over the next few weeks whilst I try and make these changes - the amount of blog posts will probably suffer, but I'm working with the aim of a fresh start once I've made it out to the other side. Onwards and upwards, as they say.

Thanks (again) for sticking with me,


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