
Week in Instagram #99

March 16, 2014

Wetherspoons have started to include these delicious beers on their menu; I found a submission for this website in Sainsbury's car park; if you ever see these, buy them - they're amazing!; Holly fast asleep on her bed; beef brisket sandwich at The Pit; what I wore today for a quick jaunt into town.

It's been a bit quiet on this blog over the last week - if you follow me on Twitter, you will have seen me mention it. Without going into detail, a member of my family got taken into hospital twice in the space of a few days, which you can imagine was a bit stressful. I wasn't at work for two days this week because of it, and I really wasn't in the mood for blogging. However, everything is fine and back to normal now, so I'm back to blogging as of tomorrow. Thanks for bearing with me!


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