A couple of months ago, I was contacted by Blistex and asked if I would like to try out some of their products for spring. Before you say it yes, we are now in summer (supposedly), but I wanted to give the products quite a lot of use before I reviewed them for you guys. The reason for this is that in the past I have been impressed with a lip product, but over time the consistency or texture has changed and I've been left less than impressed. I'm pleased to say that this is not the case with these ones! The product I have to review for you today is the Lip Brilliance Blushing.
I remember when I was younger, I owned a Blistex lip balm. I couldn't tell you what it was or what it looked like, and it was among the many hundreds I felt like I had. Back in the day it was just another lip balm - a means to an end, if you will. In all honesty since that tube of lip balm I have never looked at Blistex since, until I started beauty blogging. The brand made appearances here and there but truthfully is not one that is mentioned often. I think this is because they produce products that are so much a staple to our routine, that they sort of get left behind. A product that gets used all the time, but never makes it into a monthly favourites post or anything like that... do you know what I mean?
Despite this oversight from bloggers, Blistex are a well-known and respected brand and it was only a matter of time before our paths would cross again. After reading about this product I was curious to try it, because it is not a conventional lip balm... it offers a little something else and I think lip products of this nature need that "edge" to get them noticed in this massive beauty world. This one packs a lot into a little tube. Blistex say that this is a "multi-benefit lip balm" and I have to agree with that. This not only smoothes and moisturises your lips but it also contains a sheer rose shimmer to add a wash of colour, and has SPF 15 for added sun protection.
Upon opening the tube, I gave it a smell (Odd, perhaps) and I was amazed to find that it smells exactly like strawberry lace sweets! That's very specific I know, but I find many lip products are like that for me. I was expecting it to either smell of rose or sickly sweet but this is just right, and makes putting it on a pleasure and not unpleasant. After twisting the product up, I was surprised to find that it appeared to be covered in what appears to be a coating of sugar. It isn't of course, but it looks that way! In reality the product is very smooth and not gritty at all, so I have come to the conclusion that the coating is the shimmer particles. When applied to the lips this shimmer comes through, and makes my lips appear full, plump and healthy - there is not a trace of glitter in sight and serves to improve on what you naturally have, not overpower it. The fullness Blistex claim is down to the "Hyaluronic Filling Spheres" in the product - might be a placebo but it appears to work on me.
On the lips this product feels smooth, soft and doesn't settle into any lines or creases in my lips. With regular application this definitely helps keep dry lips at bay and I haven't suffered any problems on that front since I have started using it. With this being a sheer tinted lip balm, lasting power is what you'd expect - an hour or so before the colour and shimmer are no longer visible, but I can still feel the product on my lips for a while after that. I use this every day for work now, applying just before I start and again when I eat at lunch time, and it sees me through the day without a hitch. I also use this if I go out during the day, due to the added SPF protection which in my eyes can only be a massive bonus. If I was going abroad on a hot summer holiday I would probably use nothing else, but sadly I am stuck in rainy Britain!
Final verdict: An inexpensive lip balm that gives you three benefits in one. If you need a product that minimally enhances your natural lips, then this is the product for you.
Blistex Lip Brilliance* can be bought from Boots for £2.61.

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