New Photography Setup?

February 05, 2014

One of my blog's new years resolutions was to set up a proper space for photographing products - something that I have not got around to yet. However, I am looking to change that as soon as possible! The problem is, I'm stuck on what to do and what I should buy in order to make my imaginings a reality.

Basically, my room is small. Very small. Whilst in time I hope to have a decent amount of space in which to work in, that's not going to be for a long while yet so I am working with what I've got for now. I recently bought myself two Helmer drawer units (More on that another day!), and after getting them set up I realised that I had given myself an opportunity to use the space on top as a photography space. I don't plan on keeping much on top of the units - at the moment it's covered in junk - so ideally, I need something that can either be left there permanently, or can be very quick and easy to set up.

That's where the idea of a portable photography studio came in, like you can see in the top two images above. I want something with a seamless back, so you can't see any joins in the fabric and these sort of things seem ideal. However, I'm not sure that I'd be able to set up the lamps in the way I'd like, nor whether they would provide enough light for what I need. My only other thought has been to invest in a softbox. I've seen some beautiful images created with the help of a softbox on other beauty blogs, and I'm wondering whether that's all I need. Obviously, it would have to be able to fold up and be a decent size but I think just one would just about work with the space I have. That would then leave me the task of finding a backdrop and attaching it to the wall somehow - maybe clipping it onto a board would work? In any case, some fabrics in pretty patterns will hopefully give me some interesting backdrops without drawing attention away from the products I'm photographing.

What do you think? What do you use to create beautiful images? Any hints, tips or suggestions would be very much appreciated!


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  1. I've just purchased a couple of soft box lights for videos/blogging. I have to say they are rather large. If you're only going to get one, you may be ok space wise. :) I think either idea is great though. I'm tempted to get a little lights setup sometime in the future too. :)

    Hope you're well lovely!

    1. Yeah, I was thinking of just getting one, I think it would suffice. I am ta, hope you are too! x

  2. I think your photos are great anyway! :) I've not tried one of these set ups but would be interested in hearing if they are any good or not - space and light cause problems for me too!

    1. Aww, thanks Kel! I'll have to give something a go x

  3. I have the top left one, I like it but I haven't used it much lately as it's too big for my tiny, tiny room. However, I'd use it all the time if I had somewhere to leave it left up. And it does pack away small too.

    1. I did wonder whether it would be a bit big, and whether it would be better for me to make something myself. Good to know that it packs away small though! x
