Hello everyone!
This is a very different post to usual, I'll hope you'll forgive me! As of right now I currently have no posts to put up (bad blogger), but having gone for three days of no blogging my fingers are itching to type!
Before I launch into the main point of this post, I hope that you all had a good Christmas! Mine was very good, if not unusual. Due to Martin's parents going away on Boxing Day and mostly living at my parent's house with his job, he spent Christmas with us this year. It was the first time in five years that we've spent Christmas together, so that was lovely! We also had my brother and his girlfriend stay with us - in the end there was seven of us, which is a lot of mouths to feed! But all in all, it was nice to have a day off work (I worked Christmas Eve and Boxing Day) and spend some time with my family. I also received some lovely gifts, some of which I will be blogging about soon!
Moving on, with this post I thought I would give you guys a preview of what I'll be posting about over the next few weeks. So, not in any particular order, here's what I have lined up:
- New make up and jewellery storage
- December JolieBox review
- Room tour
- How I photograph products
- Top 5 winter nail polishes
- Christmas sales haul
- December favourites
- Best/Top # products of 2012
- All Used Up #6
Admittedly it's not a terrifically long list, but by no means is it exhaustive. Along the line there's going to be my usual Week in Instagram posts with probably a few product reviews thrown in! But hopefully there's something in there that you guys are looking forward to seeing. If you have any suggestions about any other posts you'd like me to do, or what to include in posts already mentioned, please comment below!
This will be my last post until Sunday, and after that I won't be posting until after New Year. So, I hope you all have a good one and thank you for supporting my blog throughout 2012!

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