Review: White Glo Extra Strength Whitening Toothpaste

August 27, 2012

A slightly different review from me today! This was one of those weird ones for me; is it a beauty product? I suppose it is, it is claiming to improve an aspect of one's appearance after all and therefore I deem it pretty relevant. I picked this up from a magazine, I think it might have been last month's issue of Women's Fitness. My teeth are far from awful but like most could do with a little whitening, so I had nothing to lose from giving this a shot!

Claiming to be "originally formulated for film actors and models", this is a whitening toothpaste that due to the low abrasives, is safe enough to use every day. As far as looks and taste go, it appears to be any regular toothpaste that you could pick up at the supermarket and if you put it next to a regular toothpaste, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference! The taste is nothing special; I was expecting it to be quite strong but in all honesty it is actually quite mild and I imagine everyone would be able to get along with it just fine. The toothpaste itself is white all the way through, and upon close inspection it appears to be quite grainy. When brushing, these grains become much more obvious and you can definitely feel them - it's almost a sandy texture!

Well I guess the million dollar question is... does it work? Before I reveal let me state that this is just a toothpaste, nothing more and the results were never going to be drastic. On the reverse of the tube it does recommend using the product with their "Express Bleaching System" for the best results. However, after using this toothpaste 4-5 times a week for the last 3 weeks there has definitely been a change! I have a little mark on one of my teeth and that appears to have reduced in appearance since I started using this toothpaste. My teeth overall appear to be a little bit whiter, brighter and just better looking all round - to me, anyway. For everyone else, I don't think there would be enough of a difference to notice!

Final verdict: A good product to start off with if you want to try and whiten your teeth; just don't expect blinding pearly whites with this toothpaste alone.

White Glo Extra Strength Whitening Toothpaste is available from Boots for £3.99 (100ml).


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