Review: Montagne Jeunesse Peel-Off Mask

August 14, 2012

I picked this up a really long time ago, when I was just starting to get into skincare. In all honesty I completely forgot about it, and even more so when I bought Soap & Glory's The Fab Pore Facial Peel. When rearranging my room recently I found this, so I kept it out and vowed to give it a try.

It doesn't seem like there's anywhere where you can't buy these - I remember seeing them in supermarkets when I was a young teenager and I bought a few when going to sleepovers and the like. They were a bit of a novelty back then! I think that these masks are targeted for that sort of audience due to easy application, and targeting teenage skin problems. That being said, the packaging doesn't feel "teen-like" and is suitable for all age ranges. These are generally advertised as single-use sachets, but could be pushed to two uses if you were quite sparing with the product.

As mentioned previous, there are different masks for different skin problems - and different skin types. These range from clay masks to peel off masks and everything in between, and I picked up a peel off one this time around. Suitable for "normal, oily and t-zone skin", this mask claims to "peel pores and deep clean". This particular one is cucumber and I have to be honest - I didn't get that scent at all! To me it smelt very chemically and it was a little unpleasant, truth be told. However, this fades as it dries onto the skin and becomes completely unnoticeable.

The instructions are pretty self-explanatory; spread the mask in a thin layer all over the face and wait for it to dry. This is a gel mask so it can get a bit messy when applying. What I was not expecting however was extreme the cooling sensation was! I don't think it mentions this on the packaging (correct me if I'm wrong), but as soon as the gel touches your skin it feels very cold indeed - it definitely feels like it's working. However, this wears off as it dries and after 10-20 minutes (or when completely dry), it's simply the case of finding a corner and peeling the mask off. The mask is still very shiny when it is dry but you should be able to tell as you will find it difficult to move your face whilst it is on!

Getting it off was the bit that I was dreading but it was far easier than I expected! Once I had started it came off pretty much all in one go, and left very little residue behind. A quick wipe down with some water on these bits and my face was completely clean. This mask left my skin feeling soft and refreshed, without breaking me out - which is all I ever want. For a cheap face mask that can be so easy to get hold of I was more impressed than I had any right to be!

Final verdict: A refreshing treat for when you feel like your skin needs a pick-me-up. This can be targeted to your t-zone to give your pores a real deep clean if you want to get your moneys worth.

Montagne Jeunesse face masks can be found in all good chemists and supermarkets for 99p.


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