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Event: #LeedsBloggerMeetUp2012

August 20, 2012

On Saturday I had my very first "real life" blogger experience, and went to the Leeds Blogger Meet Up that was held upstairs in Mook Bar. I was pretty nervous and had no idea what to expect, but the lovely Ray and Tor had put on a fantastic meet up and I soon felt right at home. Of course, 3 hours went by far too quickly for me and before I knew it, I was saying goodbye and it was all over!

We were treated to some very generous goody bags, as you can see there is an awful lot of stuff - I can't wait to give the products a shot! The meet up itself was very well organised, with talks from Valerie of My Wild and Amy of Xen-Tan. Both talks were really interesting; I had never heard of My Wild before and had only heard bits and pieces about Xen-Tan so learning more about the brands was a real eye opener for me. For the rest of the time I had a good chat with some lovely bloggers, it was so nice to chat freely about things that interest me without getting confused looks or rolling eyes!! We of course had a good nosey through our incredible goody bags along with some prizes that some of the girls had won from giveaways.

We truly were spoilt rotten as we were all each given a piece of clothing from Glamorous UK. I've spent a lot of time window shopping on their website, so I was very pleased indeed to be given the opportunity to try a piece of their clothing. I picked a dress that I never ordinarily would have gone for, but now that I've tried it on I really like it! It will be featuring in an OOTD post in the future. There was also a vest included in the goody bag from Hearts & Bows, a company that I had never heard of before so it was nice to find a new brand!

All in all, I had a fantastic time and I was sad for the meet up to end! I really can't thank Ray and Tor enough for putting on such a brilliant meet up and for all the effort they must have put into doing so. I met some lovely girls that I hope I will be seeing again and have got some amazing products to put to review for you guys. Thank you again Ray and Tor!


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  1. Can't believe I missed a Leeds meetup! Gutted. I would love to come to another Leeds one if you know when there will be another?xx

    1. I was very lucky to hear about it to be honest! I think there will be one next year :) xx

  2. Gutted I couldn't be there - Really wanted to go Glad you had a great time though misses. How amazing are the goody bags! Fingers crossed I can make the next one! xxx

    1. I would've loved to have met you! I know, I was gobsmacked at how many products I can review! I really hope you can! xxx

  3. Sounds like an amazing day! That goody bag is jam packed! I'm very intrigued/jealous about your Tweezerman bag there! xx

    1. It was! Just a bit haha, I had no idea it was gonna be full of so much stuff! It had all the adverts/discount codes/etc that you see next to it... however I did get a Tweezerman brow kit in the other bag so I was very pleased with that!! xx
