A Prize From Soap & Glory

July 28, 2012

This is something that happens to me very rarely, so there won't be many posts of this sort from me! A while ago I entered a quiz on Soap & Glory's Facebook page. The questions were all cosmetics related; it had some general knowledge ones, and ones about the Soap & Glory team, which had to be guessed. Because of this the prize was a big one - Soap & Glory's entire cosmetics range. In all honesty I had completely forgotten that I had entered, so when I got an email to say that I had won, it was a huge surprise, and I was absolutely thrilled!

The package was sent and received unbelievably quickly, and before I knew it I had in my hands the amazing prize! As you will see from the images below it was thoughtfully and beautifully packaged, and I wanted to use this post to say a big thank you to the Soap & Glory team for their generosity. I've heard from others how good Soap & Glory's customer service can be and now I have experienced it first hand! As you all know I am a big fan of the company's products, so I will be reviewing most (if not all) of the range in due course. I hope that some of you are looking forward to posts about these products, and thank you once again Soap & Glory!


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  1. What an amazing prize!!! The eyeshadow palette is my favourite. :) x

    1. It is, I was gobsmacked when I realised how much I had won!! Ooh good to know, it's high on my list of things to try! :) x

  2. Oh my gosh! How jealous am I!? Well done! :) xxx

  3. Anonymous29 July, 2012

    This is amazing!!! Im so jealous. Congrats! X

  4. Such a good prize! Would love to see reviews on these things :)
    Georgia xx

    1. It is! I'll be working my way through the reviews! x

  5. Anonymous29 July, 2012

    wowall those goodies! congrats!
    I havnt tried soap&glory products yet, I've always looked at it when I'm in boots and wondered.. so I look forward to your upcoming review!

    By the way, can you add a 'follow me' on your blog so I can look out for your review? Thanks

    1. Thank you! I do have several follow buttons - under the picture in the sidebar, by GFC or by email! x

  6. Woah, what a great prize! I really do need to start entering more competitions! x
