Review: Soap & Glory Scrub Your Nose In It

May 18, 2012

Another product bought to combat the oily skin on my nose, this time from the ever-trusted Soap & Glory. This was bought when I saw a review on YouTube proclaiming how amazing it was for their skin and how they couldn't live without it. This took me forever to find I have to say, my local Boots didn't have it in stock (they seem to never get Soap & Glory stock it seems, just endless repetitions of the same four products!), but I eventually found it in Meadowhall. Even then I had to ask a shop assistant for help as there was an empty space on the shelf and she had with her a trolley full of Soap & Glory products!

After seeing the review, and reading many others, I knew what to expect with the product. The fact that it's blue really does scream "medicinal" to me, thank goodness though it actually doesn't smell like that at all. The scent is a lovely, incredibly fresh mint that to me is ideal for helping me to wake up in the morning, as this is now my daily morning cleanser. However I was expecting it to feel gritty, and when you first squeeze some out it appears and feels quite smooth. It does feel gritty when rubbed into the skin though, and just the right amount so - it feels like it's really getting into all the nooks and crannies without being very harsh.

This is advised - and is suggested by the name - to be used on the T-Zone; the nose, forehead and chin. The instructions say to rub a pea-sized dollop into these areas, then extend to other areas of your face. The wondrous thing about this product though is that really you're getting two products for the price of one! This is because this can be washed off straight away like a normal face scrub, or can be left on for 5 minutes or so where it becomes a deep-cleansing clay mask! It doesn't set particularly solid to be honest but you can really feel it working due to the tingling, cooling sensation which to me feels lovely and refreshing.

After rinsing it off and drying my face, my skin feels cool, clean and ready to face the day. However it does leave my skin feeling a little dry, but in fairness to Soap & Glory they suggest using a moisturiser after this product, which is what I do. As for the condition of my nose... I have to say that there is an improvement! Not a massive one, but my nose does feel very clean and therefore seems to be producing a little less oil. Between using this in the morning, the nose strips once a week and my Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish in the evening, my nose certainly seems to be a bit better for it. I can only hope that this continues to improve in the coming months!

Final verdict: A two-in-one scrub and mask that is ideal for using in the morning on oily T-Zones. I wouldn't advise using this if you have dry skin or are prone to sensitivity. However it is a highly recommended product for those pesky trouble areas!

Scrub Your Nose In It can be found in Boots for £7.40.


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