Pound Shop Polishes

May 22, 2012

This is something that I've only heard about recently after reading it on a beauty blog (the name escapes me, if I find the blog I'll edit this post and link it!). Turns out that in most pound shops across the UK, you can buy previous season's polishes for £1 instead of the usual £4+! I've not had much time to go snooping around pound shops but fortunately my boyfriend has, and very kindly picked up a load for me.

As you can see, most of the ones I've been bought so far are Revlon polishes. I also have a Rimmel 60 seconds bottle in "Camouflage", and I've seen a few Sally Hansen ones that unfortunately weren't to my taste! Also in pound shops you get a lot of multipack polishes from cheap brands - I imagine their their quality isn't the best but if you needed a polish for a night out, say, it's worth having a quick browse before heading to somewhere more expensive!

It's very hit and miss with the polishes that you find - there are some amazing polishes that have ended up in these pound shops, but also some really nasty, obscure shades too. I think this sort of thing is best for building up your nail polish collection, and definitely not for looking for a particular brand or shade of polish. Stock tends to be changed around at a pretty rapid rate so it's worth going back in for another look if there wasn't anything that caught your eye first time around!


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  1. Love the look of Plum Night! xoxoxo

    1. I haven't even tried it yet! Might make it next on my list ;) x
