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Yesterday, you saw my 2014 blogging resolutions and how I plan to achieve them. Well, today we're going to look at back the resolutions I made in 2013 and see how well I did with them. In all honesty, I did forget about them from time to time, but over time a couple did make it into a routine so they were easier to keep up. Let's take a look at what those resolutions were.
Comment on at least 5 posts a day
Yeah... not off to a great start with this one. I still find it really hard to find time to comment on other people's blogs, which is really quite awful when you think about it. From time to time I do remember that I wanted to make an effort and then do so, however I soon slip back into my old ways. A compromise that I found about halfway through the year was liking posts on Bloglovin'; it's not quite the same and doesn't have the personal touch that a comment does, however I feel a little bit better for doing it. I will continue to try and comment as much as I can, but no promises will be made this time!
Take all photos needed before I go to work
I did really quite well with this all through the year. Seeing as I don't start work until 1pm most days, there really is no excuse for me not to get up and take a chunk of photos before I go to work. Even getting up an hour earlier helps - it's amazing how many photos you can take in an hour! There have been a few times when I've slipped up in favour of an extra hour in bed, but generally speaking I think that I achieved this one. For as long as my work pattern continues as it does, I will continue to stick to this schedule that I have for taking the photos that I need for my blog.
Do more "Outfit of the Day" posts
Looking back over the year, it doesn't seem that I have done that many but compared to the year before, I think I've not done too badly. I love doing OOTD posts, but finding that right moment to get some pictures taken is so difficult! If me and Martin are out with friends, it's a bit awkward to stop and take some photos - I think that they think that I'm a bit self-obsessed! Ideally, I would get some photos taken before I went out and take them myself, but finding the time and the space to do so is a continuing issue. That, and I don't want the same background in each image every time!
Start a Youtube channel
Well, this failed massively, didn't it? However, over the course of the year I realised that at the moment, it's not practical for me to start a Youtube channel. Living at home with my immediate family presents its own problems, and one of those is lack of privacy. I can't really film myself talking to the camera, to have someone walk in on me and asked what on earth I'm doing! That, and space is an issue too so this idea is going to have to take a back seat until me and Martin are able to move in together.
Take part in the #bbloggers chats whenever possible
I like to think that I made more of an effort with taking part this year, but in all honesty most of the time I fell way short. The time of the chats (8pm on Wednesdays and Sundays) are unfortunately very impractical for me; I finish work at 8pm during the week, and on Sundays - as I mentioned in the post at the time - I'm usually travelling back from Martin's or he's still with me. I have remembered more during the year to take part and they have been rewarding in so many ways. When life doesn't get in the way, I will try and remember even more this coming year!

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