Review: Soap & Glory One Heck of a Blot

July 26, 2013

Soap & Glory... oh how I love you, yet forget about you at the same time. Without wanting to brag, I have so many items from their cosmetics range that it's a little overwhelming, and I struggle with giving each item a proper run so I can review it for you guys. So, why did I decide to add to my collection with yet another item? I can't give you a reasonable answer for that one but once I heard about it, I was desperate to own it... read on to find out my thoughts.

Soap & Glory One Heck Of A Blot powder review swatch photo

One of the latest products to be added to Soap & Glory's cosmetics line is One Heck of a Blot, a translucent mattifying powder. When I got an email saying that this powder was due to be released I let out a little squeal of excitement. I was hoping that Soap & Glory would add an oil-controlling powder to their line, and my wish was granted. Claiming to offer "world-class shine control and oil-absorption", I was so desperate to get my hands on it that I visited three Boots stores to get it, and when I did I bought two - a pretty bold move (Although admittedly one was free).

Soap & Glory One Heck Of A Blot powder review swatch photo

This compact is slightly different to its other powder counterparts; the packaging is made out of plastic this time around, not cardboard and I have to say that I prefer it. It feels secure in the hand and good quality, with a full mirror in the lid and a powder puff included. I always use a brush to apply my powder so I discarded my puff, but it was a nice touch and is a good idea for using on-the-go. The powder itself does echo the other Soap & Glory powder cosmetics with a stamped "POWder" on the surface, which looks great even if it does wear off very quickly.

Soap & Glory One Heck Of A Blot powder review swatch photo

The shade of the powder is very pale - much paler than I was expecting and even paler than my Rimmel Stay Matte powder (Also labelled as translucent). Having a look at the ingredients, the first one listed is talc - which definitely explains how it can be that pale. Unfortunately this means that using it for nights out is going to be a no-go, as any photographs taken of me will show me to have an incredibly pale t-zone! However, for day-to-day use this is perfect. This surprised me by being very powdery when picked up with a brush, and even though you can't see it I reckon there must be quite a bit of fall out. It does apply powdery too, especially because I have to apply quite generously but as time goes on, it settles and looks much more natural. The image below shows my skin just after application - as you can see my skin does look a bit too powdery. Because of this, I would recommend not using it to touch up during the day unless you can leave time for it to settle.

Soap & Glory One Heck Of A Blot powder review swatch photo

So, the billion dollar question is... does it work? It does, but not quite as well as I'd hoped. The rave reviews on Soap & Glory's website claim completely matte skin for the entire day but that's definitely not the case for me. However, I wasn't expecting it to last all day, as my t-zone is quite an extreme case. On my nose, it lasts for about three hours before the shine becomes unbearable, which is about the same amount of time I get out of my Rimmel powder. On other shiny, but less extreme places such as my forehead and chin it lasts much longer, and I never feel the need to reapply during the day so that was impressive. But for the price, I was expecting better results than my Rimmel version and it hasn't pipped it to the post - sorry Soap & Glory!

Final verdict: If you have slight to moderately oily skin, this will probably work very well for you but for oilier skin types I wouldn't recommend - you can buy better shine control powders for much less.

Soap & Glory One Heck of a Blot can be bought from Boots for £12.


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