Well here it is folks, the post from me that you will have seen pop up on practically every blog you follow (If you follow any that is)! As most of you will know, tomorrow - July 1st - will see the closure of Google Reader, which is how many of you follow me. As far as I am aware Google Friend Connect is staying, but I'm sure it will become null and void pretty quickly, as no one following via that method in the future will have a means to read the posts!
I've noticed that since it was announced that Google Reader would no longer be with us, that my number of followers has dramatically increased on Bloglovin'. I personally had signed up when I got my blog, but never used it for reading others. After having a bit of a browse around, it is surprisingly easy to use and more user friendly than Google Reader, which is a relief amongst all of us I'm sure. Bloglovin' also have a handy feature of transferring the blogs you read from Google Reader to their platform, which I have already done and it really couldn't be easier.
So, if you would still like to follow my blog, you may do so here - see you on the other side!

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