
All Used Up #5

December 11, 2012

Two months later and it's time for another one of these posts... I've been doing well! With me redoing my room recently I found all sorts of products that had been hidden away and have used the majority of them up. However, I also had some products that were part of my daily routine this time around. Keep reading to see what I thought of each product!

Soap & Glory Peaches & Clean Deep Cleansing Milk
I bought this a good few months ago after I saw blogger after blogger raving about how good it was. I really did enjoy this cleanser, it smelt amazing and was very creamy and thick. I used this like a hot cloth cleanser and I have to say that it removed make up really well, which I wasn't expecting. In the first couple of weeks it did make my skin break out, but this settled down once it had gotten used to it.
Repurchase? Yes, it was good value for money because it lasted a long time.

TRESemme Split Remedy Leave-In Treatment
This made its way into my every day hair routine and I absolutely loved this product! It didn't do much for my split ends at all but it made my hair dry straighter, quicker and feel much smoother. It was also easy to work with and didn't weigh my hair down at all. My only bugbear with this is that I had no idea how much was left until it was gone, which Martin pointed out happens with all of TRESemme's products!
Repurchase? Yes, maybe not at full price but there's nearly always an offer on this range.

L'Occitane 3 Essential Oils Conditioner
Martin gave me this after I'd forgotten to bring any conditioner with me when staying at his. In the end it came home with me and got thrown into a drawer. Upon digging it out again I decided to use it up, which didn't take long as it's only a small bottle! This was nice enough but didn't do anything special to my hair, and because the bottle was small I couldn't tell if it was doing anything in the long run.
Repurchase? Knowing how much L'Occitane's products sell for, no.

17 Miracle Matte Powder in Silky Beige
This was another product that many a blogger harped on about not so long ago, so when my Rimmel one ran out I decided to give it a try. This was the only shade they had left in Boots and it turned out to be too dark for my skin tone. That aside I wasn't particularly impressed, I had to powder my nose a lot more often than I was used to. I ended up smashing this and I have to admit I wasn't disappointed!
Repurchase? No.

Palmolive Brilliant Colour Shampoo
I bought this many moons ago when I was just starting to colour my hair, and stopped using it because it was making my hair feel quite dry. It did make my colour last longer however, so when I found it again I mixed this with the shampoo below to add a bit of moisture and this worked fine. However seeing as it was only £1 for a huge bottle I can't complain that much!
Repurchase? No.

Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Shampoo
This is another shampoo that I've had for a very long time... before I started colouring my hair! I remember buying this just because I loved the smell, to me it smells like those pink and blue bottle sweets. Like mentioned before this was mixed and I managed to finish up the rest of the bottle this way. This was quite a nice shampoo, it did add that bit of moisture that I needed but perhaps not enough.
Repurchase? Possibly, but I'm thinking no.

Aussie Miracle Moist Conditioner
When I finished up the L'Occitane conditioner I eventually started on this one, which I hadn't wanted to start using until I had finished up the above shampoos so I could use the Miracle Moist shampoo! Everyone will know that this also smells amazing, and it was a nice conditioner - thick and luxurious without weighing my hair down. However I managed to finish this up in about two weeks which was disappointing.
Repurchase? Yes, but I will have to buy a bigger bottle next time!


PS: Don't forget to enter my Christmas/10,000 pageviews giveaway here, which ends TOMORROW!

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